Systems + Equipment

Energy Systems

Versatile, reasonably priced, and cost-competitive energy systems and complete system supply to meet the demands of modern manufacturing.

When industry need sought an energy system that would burn a wide range of fuels, PDI engineers answered the call. We responded to demand by offering a practical approach to manufacturers that would use a variety of fuels, allowing them the options to use available and inexpensive materials.

Easy to use, efficient in performance, environmentally compatible, and resulting in a higher quality finished product, PDI energy systems offer a flexible and efficient way to meet the energy demands of a several industries.

The PDI Difference

PDI Energy Systems can be operated using either wet or dry fuel, or a
combination of both. Reasonably priced and versatile, our patented burner is the key to cost-competitive usage of fuel sources.

Each PDI energy system is a custom design, utilizing precise calculations of retention time to prevent carry-over of ash, sparks, or other materials. Engineered combustion chambers and individualized burner management programming result in minimal emissions, regardless of the quality of incoming fuel sources.

  • Economical Design
  • Fuel Handling Systems
  • Custom Grate Design
  • Automatic Ash Removal
  • Green or Dry Fuel Compatible
  • Dilution & Recycle Systems
  • Custom Controls Packages
  • Full Control of all air zones for maximum flexibility
  • Heat Range from 1 -200 MMBTU/hr

Details Matter

PDI energy systems are thoughtfully designed to the needs of your process. From our robust fuel systems and machine bearing mounts, to our process design, every item matters. PDI’s experience in maintenance and operations is key to how we design our systems and ensure optimum performance for the durability and long life your facility demands.

  • Premium quality refractory installed and ready for production
  • Dampers machine coupled to actuators, with bearings on every shaft
  • Rotation of fuel system conveyors targeting 15RPM for low speed and long life
  • Shaft mounted gearboxes with c-face motors to avoid maintenance
  • Direct drive fans for maximum service life
    Reinforced dual-pivoting doors for ease of access

Complete System Supply

PDI offers complete energy system plants. Our team of engineers and construction partners can design, build, and start up everything from a basic dryer furnace up to a fully-functional cogeneration plant.

Our facilities can utilize solid fuel, natural gas, propane, or other fuels you may have available. Our engineering team custom designs fuel handling systems, thermal recovery plants, and fully integrates the facility for optimum energy recovery from your fuel. Our design and construction experience with various fuels ensures your system will perform as expected.

  • Fuel handling conveying and storage solutions
  • Metering bins
  • Complete refractory linings
  • Ducting insulation
  • System controls integration
  • Complete system design, fabrication, and installation
  • Start up and long-term support